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 About AMIGA REPORT     Contact information and copyrights
 Dealer Directory      Amiga Dealer Addresses and Numbers
 Commercial Online Services Sign-Up Information
 FTP Announcements      New Files and Announcements
 AR Distribution Sites    Where to get AMIGA REPORT
 Commercial AR        AR Deals on Commercial Items
         //    |                                              |        //
%%%%%%%%//%%%%%| Amiga Report International Online Magazine   |%%%%%%%//%%%%%
%%   \\//      | Issue No. 2.28          September 29, 1994   |    \\//    %%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%| "THE Online Source for Amiga Information!"   |%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    c.s.a.editor.desk      Amiga News               Dealer Directory
    Distribution BBS's     Product Announcements    Reader Mail
    Emulation Rambler      AR Contest!              AR Reader Survey
                           AR Wants You!

CEI Conference at Portal ..........................Sponsored by Amiga Report

                            SPECIAL FEATURES

SHI Hack Report ............................................Erik Loevendahl
Using XPK Compression ........................................David Tiberio
Voice From Across the Pond ....................................Michael Wolf
World Amiga Union Announcements ........................................WAU
68060 Upgrade Guide ..........................................Ralph Schmidt

                           COMPTON'S REVIEWS

Swifty 3-Button Mouse .......................................from Micro R+D
Meeting Pearls 1 ..................................................from SOS
DirWork 2 ......................................................from Quasar
Body Blows AGA ................................................from Team 17

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